Aquatera Atlántico is the European satellite company under the Aquatera Group umbrella. From the Canary Islands, Aquatera Atlántico offers specialised services from a strategic geographical location. Considered the outermost region of Europe, the Canary archipelago is located 60 miles off the coast of Western Africa, representing a key geographical area for marine operations.
The Canary Islands has also historically been regarded as the European door to Latin-America, allowing Aquatera Atlántico’s specialised team to provide key expertise in blue energy and climate change in south and central America.
The eight islands comprising the Canary archipelago supply excellent resources for their use in the blue economy sectors, and thus provide a natural laboratory for the development of sustainable initiatives. Through this location, the Aquatera group makes its staff and experience available to continue offering quality services from Europe. Through this location, the Aquatera group makes its staff and experience available to continue offering quality services from Europe.