Aquatera Atlántico delivers a broad range of training programmes and activities. With our extensive knowledge and experience in the blue energy industry and climate change, we are frequently asked to share our lessons learnt and help other regions and countries to develop their own capacity in the sector. To that end, we have been involved in several training initiatives in addition to a regular range of presentations at conferences and events. Increasingly, we are exporting our expertise overseas as other nations skill up to maximise their respective marine resources and realise their potential.

With our experience working in different environments, both onshore and offshore, and our significant technical expertise, Aquatera is well-placed to deliver training projects in a range of technical, social, community and academic areas. This is backed up by the research elements of our business and proven track record in the field. We have a team of knowledgeable, highly qualified staff who can share skills, transfer knowledge and deliver training to a variety of audiences. We have also been involved in communication, dissemination and exploitation of projects.