
Benchmarking study, taking as a reference the port of Brest in Brittany in France and the port of Esbjerg in Denmark

PORTWind-EEM, is a project funded by Innovative Business Groupings (Clusters), in order to execute priority RIS3 innovation projects.

The project’s main aim is to produce a Benchmark study, with Brest port in Bretagne, and Esbjerg port in Denmark, as examples of success in the implementation of specialised port terminals for regional development of Offshore Wind Energy. Aquatera Atlántico carried out a comparative analysis on offshore wind energy port terminals in the Canary Islands, for Cluster Maritimo de Canarias.

Programme Maritime Cluster of the Canary Islands.

Project awarded in the call for grants to Innovative Business Groups (clusters), for the implementation of innovation projects in priority areas of the RIS3 – Call 2022, of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Employment, co-financed 85% by the Canary Islands ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Date September-October 2022