Southern European Community for Offshore Wind Energy
The SHOREWINNER project – Southern European Community for Offshore Wind Energy – aims to set up and develop a Community of Practice (CoP) based on the cooperation among five Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) committed to the development of skills, upskilling and reskilling of the workforce, sharing of resources, and achievement of major European goals and priorities. The CoVEs will be created in southern European countries with strong potential in the offshore energy sector (ORE): Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and Cyprus.
Each CoVE will engage industry representatives and VET institutions to collaboratively provide vocational training aligned with the needs of the local industry. The project consortium has 28 members, comprising vocational education providers, Higher Education Institutions, SMEs, research centres and national bodies. Aquatera Atlántico will support the tasks of all work packages in the project by emphasizing its contributions in the Spanish region.
Programme and call | ERASMUS-EDU-2023_PEX-COVE (Partnership for Excellence – Centres of Vocational Excellence). Proposal number: 101143967. Proposal Title: Southern European Community for Offshore Wind Energy. Proposal Acronym: SHOREWINNER |
Date | March 2024 – February 2028 |
Services | Crear y desarrollar una comunidad de centros de formación profesional basada en la cooperación de cinco centros europeos comprometidos con el desarrollo de competencias respecto al sector eólico marino. |

- Instituto Politecnico do Porto
- INOVA+ (Innovation Services, SA)
- Amar Terra Verde LDA
- Voltalia Portugal SA
- Apren-associacao portuguesa de energias renovables
- Universita Politecnica delle Marche
- Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali
- Formare – Polo Nazionale per lo Shipping SRL
- Panepistimio Aigaiou
- Eletaen NOP
- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
- Minsitry of Education and Religious Affairs
- Kentro Perivallontikis Ekpaideusis Petaloudon Rodou
- University of Cyprus
- Cardet Centre for the Advancement of Research
- Intercollege
- Universidad da Coruña
- Centro Tecnologico del mar – Fundaction CETMAR